Thursday, January 27, 2011

****NEWS FLASH****

Alright, so you all know what we have gone through the past several months.  But what you may not know is how much we wanted to get pregnant again, and how bad all three of us want another baby.  We totally expected to try and have another baby again, but we didn't expect to get pregnant without even trying!!  I am so proud and happy to announce that God has given us the gift of another baby in my belly and we couldn't be more thankful and more filled with joy (because, seriously we are beyond happy and thats what joy is).  This pregnancy is totally a "God" thing, because I got pregnant when we weren't trying at all.  Also, only God can orchestrate such amazing things, and time things so perfectly.  I am almost 9 weeks and due September 4, 2011.  Just because you may have forgotten or don't know, we lost Nathanial September 1, 2010.  So that makes me due only three days after the worst day of my life just one year before.  Our prayer is that I will deliver either on that day or bring this new little one home on that day.  How awesome would it be if we could have a reason to celebrate every year on September 1st, rather than it be a day of mourning.  I have never wanted to deliver so close to my actual due date.  We are super excited and I can't even begin to explain how excited Ilyssa is.  We didn't start telling people until she knew, because last time we told certain people before her and she wasn't too happy about that.  So this time we wanted her to be the first to know.  It was so fun, because we checked her out of school and took her with us to my first doctors appointment.  At first she had no clue because she was so consumed with playing her Ds.  Then I made her put it down so she would pay attention to all the questions the nurse was asking me regarding how I was doing with this pregnancy.  She finally caught on and was so shocked.  She just kept asking if I really was pregnant.  It was super sweet and she can't wait to be a big sister.  She will be the best one ever!!  Seriously though, I have so much peace about this pregnancy, unlike the last.  I have asked for this peace everyday, and everyday it is mine to receive.  We couldn't be happier, and I couldn't be healthier.  God is so good to me...I truly do not deserve his grace and his mercies that really do come new to me everyday.  Yaaaaayy!!!!!!!


  1. Jessica!!! I canNOT begin to tell you how happy I am for you all!! God just rocks!! I love how He works and how He's always going before us, preparing things for us. So hard to fathom! I have been thinking about you a lot lately and hoped things were going better.

    Let's try to catch up soon...miss you and love you lots!

  2. So happy for you, Jessica!! I also want to tell you how blessed I was to work the nursery with your mom a few weeks ago. She's an amazing woman and she is so proud of her kids.

  3. I am so happy for all of you! God is so good and so faithful. I'm so thankful for all He is doing in your life.

  4. Pat asked me yesterday if you two were going to try again. I guess I know the answer now. Rejoicing with you!

  5. Congrats Soo Happy for you and your family would love to do lunch sometime love ya!!!
